QUALITY Rubber Stamp Co, LLC offers a wide range of plaques & awards at various price points.
You have the option to CUSTOMIZE your award or plaque on the website; however, if you do not feel comfortable doing so, we will be happy to do all of the designing for you.
As we work through your project, we will be sure to send you PROOFs until you are satisfied with the design.
If you don't see EXACTLY what you need, feel free to call or email us. We can get it for you!
ARTWORK: If you have a specific LOGO or other artwork that you would like included in your project, we ask that you please send a .eps file. This VECTOR image will ensure that your image engraves as clearly as possible. If you do not have a .eps file or are not sure how to find this type of file, feel free to contact us for further support. (Usually the company or person who designed your LOGO should have your ORIGINAL VECTOR artwork.)
Once your Plaque or Award is set up, we will be happy to send you a PROOF to ensure that your project turns out exactly as you expect. (During the design process, we will be in contact with you if we have any questions and/or concerns regarding your artwork, etc.)
We will work as a TEAM to make a GREAT impression for you!